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Saturday, January 29, 2011

How to do a Heart Bypass Surgery (CABG) ?

          Cabbage which stands for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) is a surgical operation to reduce the potential risk of a person from death by critical heart attack. Cabbage surgery is done by stopping the performance of heart and artificially pumping blood using special set of machines. This is called "off-pumping".
           Coronary Artery, by what the blood is supplied to heart muscle can be clogged by either fat, cholesterol or any other substances giving rise to slow or stop the blood flow to the heart vessels. This causes heart attack or chest pain.

Coronary Arteries of Heart

How the operation is processed??
          The completion of the bypass surgery takes up-to 4-5 hours in general and the operation is carried out by well-practiced surgeons to reduce the risk. In this surgery, a healthy blood vessel segment is taken from another part of the body and wrapped around the blocked part of coronary artery.
          In this surgery, first an artery from the chest wall is detached and that open end is attached to the coronary artery below the blocked area.Then a segment of a long vein from your leg is taken for sewing one end of the vein above the blocked area while the other end is attached/grafted to the coronary artery below the blocked area.Then, this new path free from clogging becomes the flow of blood to the heart muscles.

Clogged Vein

Surgery on Process  
          The following video shows the the overall process of operation in detail with narration. Check it out for further clearance.